Thursday, April 17, 2008

Our Team so far!

I just received news this morning that our team now has 5 members!!! We were at 4 for the longest time, comprised Raquel, Lindsey, myself and Derek. A bunch of us were praying for another guy to join us, and God has answered our prayers. Steve, who is currently down in Panama on STINT, is now going to join us for another year.

Here are a couple pics of our team members... Derek, myself and Raquel on the left (taken last summer on project); and Steve & Lindsey on the right (taken a couple weeks ago).

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

You Just Never Know....

When you listen to the Holy Spirit's prompts, crazy things result.

I've been in the process of raising support for my Panama STINT for a few weeks now, and it has been such an enjoyable process thus far. I've not only gotten to share some cool stories about the country and people there, but also have reconnected with a few friends from my earlier University years. One specific meeting was with my first year Bible Study leader. We had such a great time catching up, sharing about our respective travels, our churches and life in general. We stayed at the Tim Horton's for a good 2-3 hours!! As we were chatting outside, saying our "last words" before we parted directions, I felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to share with her exactly the impact she had on me during my first year in University. I did, and explained how she really showed me she cared by meeting up for coffee with me that one semester, and if she hadnt done that, I wouldnt be involved with Campus for Christ today. Her actions had a huge impact on my life, and I wouldnt be going to Panama today if she hadnt taken that hour out of her schedule to meet up with me.

Tonight I gave her a phone call, and she initally picked up with an excited tone of voice, but said "can I call you back!? I have some incredible, great news to share, and you're the result of all of it!" She called me back an hour or so later, and began to share her story. Apparently what I had said about her impact on me really resounded within her the day we met and as a result of that, she shared the story with her pastor. The pastor then who mentioned the name of a young girl in the youth group who was in need of a mentor. My friend felt led to meet up with the girl, and did so, just in time for my friend to help support her through a major life crisis. The girl was struggling, and ended up confiding in my friend, detailing her situation and how she wanted to go to the hospital before anything else happened. My friend took her to the hospital, and spent Thursday night and part of the weekend with her. The girl just got released from the hospital yesterday, and is alright. In short, the girl is alive today because of my friend's willingness to mentor her, which came out of my response to the Spirit's prompting to share my heart with my friend the day we met for coffee.

You just never know how God will use you or why he places promptings on your heart.
A young girl is alive today because of my obedience to His promptings. And, through this whole situation, my friend's walk with Jesus has deepened and taken on a whole new dimension. Wow.

Support raising is a ministry in itself.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Welcome to my blog!! I will be using this site to keep you updated on my STINT to Panama. Please check back for updates, I will be posting more info soon....