Sunday, May 9, 2010

I feel so encouraged!!!

I know I already posted today about the past week's happenings, but one event in particular really encouraged my heart!!!
On Friday, we had a lunch at which Panamanian students involved in Vida Estudiantil could come and meet each team of Canadian students who would be working in their faculties. The purpose of this lunch was to really connect the two groups of students together, and emphasize that we (the Canadians) are down here to serve the Panamanian Vida Estudiantil ministry and help further solidify their movement of Christ centered laborers on the campus.

The absolutely amazing part was to see all the involved Panamanian Students. There were 19 of them who came to the lunch, and it was so evident that they really have a deep desire to reach their campus for Christ!!! This was so encouraging, as it was evidence that the commitment that most of these students made during last year's Panama Project Commitment Dinner (see prior blog post) has really stuck. God has definitely been at work in the lives of these students and for the first time, we have a group of core Panamanian students to work along side during our short time working on the campus. God has totally blessed everything our STINT team labored so hard for in the Lord last year!!!