Sunday, May 30, 2010

Prayer Update...

I updated the prayer requests on the side of my blog, but wanted to further explain a couple items:
1. Commitment Dinner - Thurs, June 3rd. We're inviting Panamanian students who are already involved in Vida Estudiantil or whom we've been working with each week while we've been in Panama. The purpose of this is to challenge them to further commitment in their walks with God, involvement in Vida Estudiantil and a commitment to the Great Commission. Last year we saw 44 Panamanian students take this challenge, and many of them have grown so much in their faith as a result. We're praying for 45 Panamanians to commit to this challenge.

2. Adventure Cycle - Mon, June 7 - Fri, June 11.
We're heading to the interior, about 5 hrs away from Panama City, to a small village called Sancona. While we're there, we'll be helping the families during the day and then showing the Jesus film at night. Many people in the interior of Panama have not heard about a personal relationship with Jesus before, so it will be cool to share the Gospel up there. If you could pray for physical safety (conditions are rough), spiritual protection (often there is much more visible spiritual warfare up there) and wisdom for our trip leaders (Juan Carlos, Wes and Pastor Corea).