Sunday, May 9, 2010

To summarize week 1....

We just finished a week of orientation - both for the staff and then one for the students. Staff orientation was on the Monday & Tuesday, to ensure our staff team was all on the same page and to allow us some time to prepare for our assigned student orientation responsibilities. Then, on Tuesday night, the 21 students from across Canada flew into Panama City, and started their orientation on Wednesday. Their orientation included training on the culture here, how to share their faith, what is spiritual multiplication and discipleship. It was a great time of connecting, and already deep friendships are forming within our large team.

During this orientation, we also divided the students into teams to work on the University campuses. Juan Carlos & I are leading a team of 5 Canadian students to work on the National campus, in one or two faculties (in either Business Admin, Architecture, Law or Sciences). We still have to decide which faculties we'll be in exactly. Our team is composed of: Erin, Seanna, Simone, Corrina and Daniel.

There are 3 other teams, one working in Santiago, one also working on the National Campus, and one team on the Technological University. Overall, we're praying to God for some big things, namely: 1) that each Canadian student would be able to see 3 Panamanian students enter into a personal relationship with Jesus; 2) that out of those 3 students, that 2 would be followed up effectively; 3) that for each pair of Canadian students sharing the Gospel together (side by side with the involved Panamanian students), that 2 movement builders or future spiritual multipliers who really catch the vision of Vida Estudiantil would get involved in the movement to reach their campus for Christ. Would you too join us in prayer for these things?

Tomorrow we start our time on the campuses....exciting!


steph said...
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Anonymous said...

hey karina, great to hear, makes me want to be there even more!!